Original title in spanish "Mi Fondo de Pensiones", 2010, ISBN: 978-956-345-051-4

This book is aimed for Chilean workers to recognize the importance of defining its own strategy for managing pension savings to benefit their financial independence and prosperity.

Explains the main features of the individual capitalization system, in contrast to the old distribution systems, in a simple and practical language. The author delves about investments, their profitability, the pension system in Chile and the multifunds options. It proposes and shares a strategy used by FondoAlerta, to help you define your own model.

The author, Francisco J. Doren, born in 1954, a statistician at the University of Chile, studied economics, management and finance, specializes in operations research and design of mathematical models and prototypes in various areas of financial and social security industries. He is General Manager at Nielsoft from its inception in 1998. During his career developing multiple investments control systems for pension fund managers, mutual funds, insurance companies, banks, brokers and other private investors stands.

"Although freedom of choice granted by the multi-fund and its democratizing impact on investments by pension funds, due to the widespread ignorance of the population about their practical use, the process becomes as democratic as if the votes of an election does not appear the names of the candidates, that is, as if blindly vote. "